Greetings from Ohio

Greetings from Ohio is a recent project of mine that explores the use of experimental photographic techniques to celebrate the depiction of old and new memories.

In a time when travel is limited and less sustainable for many, technology provides a creative outlet for both artists and audiences to experience places from a distance. Greetings From Ohio specifically explores travel, escapism, collective memory, and the connection that these have with story telling and the preservation of history. The images displayed are part of a photo book that depicts the journey of Eric and his girlfriend Jayne, across Ohio in 1968. The fictional ‘memory images’ encourage you to wander, explore and escape within scenes that depict American culture from the time period.

The photographs are created using both traditional and experimental production methods, to capture and create new photographicscenes. Inspired by postcards originating from 1968, many of the photographed scenes within the series feature these as digital backdrops that inform the indexical, constructed activities that are taking place in the foreground. By displaying the postcard content on a screen behind the subjects in the foreground, new scenes are photographed, blending the past with the present. By investigating themes such as the everyday, the passing of time and human memory, the body of work juxtaposes archival content from 1960’s America with ordinary found objects from the present day. As a result, the use of intertextuality aims to create a bridge between time and place, by preserving cultural references for future generations to observe, experience and interrogate.

As the past becomes the present, and the present becomes the past, you are invited to explore a time preserved and relived.