Our Generation

When challenging the status quo, it is interesting to explore what the current status quo actually is. It is constantly…


Photography has the ability to document and reflect time using the power of aesthetic to appeal to our nostalgic tendencies.…

A Life Less Ordinary

To see things in colour is to appreciate the world as the human eye sees it. Not only does colour…

Hard to Swallow

Hard to Swallow is a project of mine that explores themes that exist within capitalist culture. The photographic images present excessive…

The Invisible Thread

As much as adverts are devised to sell aspirational lifestyles, they also present a reflection of the consumer; their beliefs,…

Material Desire

In a world where the consumer is King, or very much Queen, the nature of Capitalism and its social traits…

Beautifully Gross

In the 19th century Pictorialism was developed as a movement to explore how photography could be used as a means…

Eat like a Woman

The topic of consumption is vast and the items we consume are extensive. Whether we consume products, clothing, food or…

Sugar Coated

In a world where populations feast on food, fashion and status, wealth has become a commodity that costs more than…

Shelf Life

In an age of consumerism, the way that items are packaged has an impact on how we perceive the object’s…