Cross Disciplinary Practice

Photography is part of a wider creative industry that ensures freedom of expression can be delivered in both artistic and commercial formats. To present ideas using a visual platform is empowering and provides a voice to represent a variety of issues and topics. To achieve this, there is an opportunity to collaborate with people on multiple levels to ensure that a project can succeed, while gaining wider reach. This can include working with new subjects and audiences, engaging with other members of creative industries, that support a project’s cause, and by collaborating with audiences.

Miss Honey

Sarah Pannell is a Documentary Photographer whom delivers a variety of subject matter, exploring cultures across the globe. In her recent project ‘The Vanishing Black Hives of Turkey’s Honey Forest’, she collaborates with Honey Fingers to document the beekeeping traditions that are slowly disappearing in Turkey. The work investigates the cultural roles of the local people and how these are evolving to accommodate changing times. As a result, both traditional values and cultural evolution are juxtaposed to ensure the survival of tradition. 

By capturing elements of the everyday around the world, these moments become less than ordinary to viewers that live their lives in other locations.

View the full project here.