After Photography

As social media has developed, the way that imagery is created, distributed and read has changed. As photography has become widely accessible, the medium has become readily available for many people to use. As a result, viewers are aware of the processes developed for social engagement and the way that imagery can be manipulated to express a particular meaning. As a result, it has become more difficult to determine the authenticity of images presented across different media. It is important to consider that there are various methodologies used to present a topic or issue and that it is worth contextualising content to better understand its origin and meaning. In the process of making art, there is a thought process that is used to create and establish meaning. As Sarah Kember writes in The Shadow of the Object:

“Photography is clearly much more than a particular technology of image making. It is also a social and cultural practice embedded in history and human agency”.

Made from Memory

Photographer Robert Darch uses memory to recreate scenes that appear real, however they have been manufactured to recreate lost memories. During his youth, Darch suffered from a stroke and created a series of images called Vale in response. They feature locations and subjects that appear real, as they are made up from elements that are real. However, they have actually been created as part of a coping mechanism, exploring themes such as surrealism, loss and identity. The effect is beautiful and empathetic, as it connects with the viewer on an emotional and relatable level.