The Royal Gallery

As part of my own project ‘Memorabilia and Other Objects of Interest’, The Royal Gallery explores objects that are collected to commemorate bygone days, a fascination with the monarchy, and the celebration of an empire, that no longer exists as it once did. As the monarchy changes for the first time in decades, the project reflects the reach that the Royal family extends into the world of art.

Memorabilia and Other Objects of Interest celebrates archived objects and their ability to appeal to the curiosity and imagination of those that inherit them. Whether purchased, found or received, these objects connect with people and contribute to both factual history and fictional story telling. Although the purpose of each object is conveyed through the captured clues that they present, the exact history of each item is unknown. It is this ambiguity that allows the photographic study of these objects to appeal to those who acquire and view them, as the images aim to present mystery, invite speculation and encourage participation. As the story of these objects once began, it shall continue through the generations that own them, preserving history, artistry and craft. Consequently, the portrayed archived items aim to promote social well-being through the preservation of cultural history, enabling future generations to enjoy the collected pieces. As knowledge is shared, the past of each item remains for posterity to discover, allowing history to be passed on from one generation to the next. Driven by visual research, collaboration and exploration, the photographic collection explores the connection that the photographer, subject and viewer has, directly or indirectly with the objects. By creating this dialogue between the old and new, people from all walks of life are encouraged to become part of a wider narrative, that will develop and grow over time.

Memorabilia and Other Objects of Interest – Jessica Roberts 2021
Memorabilia and Other Objects of Interest – Jessica Roberts 2021
Memorabilia and Other Objects of Interest – Jessica Roberts 2021
Memorabilia and Other Objects of Interest – Jessica Roberts 2021

Memorabilia and Other Objects of Interest – Jessica Roberts 2021

The full exhibition can be viewed at: