Hard to Swallow

Hard to Swallow is a project of mine that explores themes that exist within capitalist culture. The photographic images present excessive material consumption by using the visual constructs of food to portray themes such as beauty and desirability. These traits are presented in a digestible, abstract form to represent how material ideologies create vigorous consumer cycles. In addition, the body of work uses colour, light and texture to explore how the presentation of beauty products and food interact with one another to create an appealing seductive spectacle.

Using the language of advertising, the images explore traits of neoliberalism that exist within consumer culture. As we evolve and become more aware of our personal effect on the planet, we often fail to address the social constructs that contribute towards the effects. This is highlighted within the work by portraying contradictory messages that are presented within advertising and female lifestyle magazines. Using the female gaze, the images comment on beauty, excess, instant gratification and waste, while conveying promoted lifestyles that are saturated with sensory excess. As a result, the work investigates tension between attraction and repulsion to create an awareness that is relevant and empowering for audiences.